Since the latest upgrade the game freezes all the time. Talk to an npc game freezes, buy something game freezes. Entering game takes forever. I have the fastest cable service so it's not me nor the other 3 people on my home that play on their own systems. Since the upgrade emeralds are nowhere to be found. Can't put items in the area with the 4 orbs where Jina is all the time. I just sit with the stuff in my inventory because it doesn't work. Since my character was created I can't gift or request gifts, as soon as I request it's instantly expired and as soon as a gift is sent it is expired. The game could be really fun if you didn't have to close the game and reload every time you interact with the NPCs. The game is already old news and lost it's fun appeal with constant annoying bugs. I guess you need to lay off the rest of the programmers since nothing ever gets fixed. Sorry I wasted my money buying the game and items.