I finished reading this heartbreaking and wonderful book by @hanyayanagihara ❤
The friendships and relationships that have been built in this book make me cry, for how beautiful they are. There’s part that I was happy, there’s part that I was so angry, and there's also part that I was crying so hard. Jude deserves a very good ending, but he chose what he chose in the end. Not everyone can overcome their struggles mentally and physically. I was thankful for Willem, Malcolm, JB, Harold, Julia, Andy, Richard, and others. They were there. Patiently waited for him to open up. It was beautifully written. So beautiful, I can cry. The emotions while reading this book are surprisingly not good. You can see how many sticky notes I have in this book. I can’t believe that I can cry so hard and feel the stabbing in my heart while reading certain pages. But I want to thank the writer for this emotional roller coaster and beautifully written book 🙏🏻