Having read several biographies of Kurt and Courtney, I have watched this movie several times and as a viewer, while I appreciate and applaud the perspective and artistic input of Frances Bean and appreciate her vision, the same can’t be said of the input of Courtney Love. Considering Courtney authorised and provided material for this biography and acknowledging the fact that she was a major part of Kurt’s life, the second half of the movie was diminished for me by her indulgent self inclusion. The film maker’s (necessary) over inclusion of her turned the film from one about Kurt, initially from his own words into one of Courtney and her glib narcissistic spiel. Important details surrounding the plight of Kurt were not mentioned such as they were in the process of divorcing when Kurt died and impressions of his close friends in his last days. It was great that Tracey Marander was included and would have been a more complete picture had his other early friends been involved rather than so much “Courtney time.” So for me this ruined the last half of the movie especially listening to Courtney fabricate (she did actually cheat by several accounts) the situation to suit her own cause. I would recommend to someone wanting to view this be aware of who authorised this and what they were trying to portray rather than hoping to gain the full picture of what happened to Kurt. For a more complete picture of Kurt, in his own words watch “About a Son.”