Lysa Terkeurst may not be a true Christian. She believes in Enneagram, says she is a 9 type personality. Her Bible study books focus on being ok with yourself, liking your body etc. She is New Age and I believe using Religion to attract women who are not mature in their Bible knowledge. She like many new age never discuss the fact that we are sinners, and we are to desire more and more of a relationship with Jesus. The more you come to know the Lord, the more we see our own sin and allow the Holy Spirit to show us where we still need to let go of selfish thinking, thinking of ourselves. The world is a scary place, it is literally the shadow of death. People all around us are dead Spiritually while going to church, being in shallow so called Bible studies.
The Lord inspired Scripture is for us to read and apply to our own condition, not stories to lift us up and make us feel better about ourselves