I gave this show 3 episodes (it's usually my "rule") and then tried for a 4th. I wanted to like it but the constant political comments always go over the top. The racial point is very clear, no matter which way they are trying to spin it and pretend it's not a main setting. The teachers attacking students is terrible, is this a cliché "you never leave high school" scenario? I'm sorry, but the acting is simply awful or maybe it's the writing, aside from maybe 3 characters. "It's not a remake", yet there's very clearly a Chuck and Serena/Blaire, and wanna-be-Dan. The constant back and forth with the sisters and the communication between the scheming teachers (especially the "main one") makes the show almost unbearable to watch. Each episode changes and the only constant is the throuple's chaos, it's really the only thing/characters you're honestly curious about and truly want to follow. We know who Gossip Girl is, and frankly, it takes the fun out of the original show. All we see is a bunch of grown adults wanting to destroy teenagers reputations and their lives because they weren't being told please and thank you in the classroom. I get it, but the superiority complex is real with this one. The whole "our mothers dead" thing is getting old. We get it, you're "long lost sisters". Now what else is there? It seems like there's no real dirt and each episode is just someone reaching into a fishbowl and picking out a random scenario for this week's episode. From the very first episode of the original, you had a connection, you wanted to know, with this, it was simple curiosity that has continued to disappoint. I give it 2 stars for creativity, but then it just went nowhere.