The start of the show was gripping that kept me hooked on for the second episode.
But, I would really like to question the makers of the series why did they try to make it Ind-British war zombie story? From where did the zombies get the bullets and the ship and most importantly why the zombies were playing drums? Those red eyes reminded me of a fly with red night vision on. Costumes seemed rented from Sarojini Nagar. The make up was extremely outdated and atrocious.
And also, you mean that at the end our freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for our country went all in vain because the Britishers could ressurect from the dead and are absolutely unbeatable. They invaded us before as living and now they are invading us as ghosts.. what a funny piece of time waste.
Its supposed to be a fiction ofcourse but without head and tail it is not even a fiction. Very badly wriiten and executed. I am dissapointed with Betaal.