Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the movie is released in 2019. The duration for the movie is approximately 2 hours. The genre of the movie is Fantasy / Sci-Fi. This is the 9th episode of the series. In the movie, there are two sides, which is Jedi and Sith. Jedi is the good side while Sith is the bad side. In the previous episode of the movie, the Sith killed almost all the Jedi and they killed all the Skywalkers (A family which have a lot of Jedi) while they did not find out the there is still one more Jedi left which is Rey. The title of the movie “Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker” came from Rey. When almost all the Jedi was killed by the Sith, Rey is the only one left. In the end of the movie, she joined the Skywalker family (she have relations with the Sith but she called herself Skywalker). The plots in the movie makes sense and it is easy to follow. The scenes are believable and I like it so much. The main characters are Rey and Kylo Ren. Rey is the Jedi while Kylo Ren is the Sith. First, they are not very fond of each other but they can sense each other without seeing each other. In the middle of the movie, they saved each other and Kylo Ren became a good person. He helped Rey and defeat the Sith. The actor for Rey is Daisy Ridley and the actor for Kylo Ren is Adam Driver. They did very well in filming their parts. I really enjoy the movie because the filming, the acting and the backgrounds are fantastic. I would like to recommend this movie to people who like watching fantasy movies with interesting and touching stories. I would like to rate this video 85/100. The remaining 15 points is to improve the story lines and the not believable scenes.