Honestly except both main lead actors and little bit female leads when she had to play sad scenes and one of the main leads playboy friend are the core of this drama who did really well in acting.. Otherwise this show is just waste of their talent.. Highly messed up story line, wrong dialouge dilevery at somepoints even( lei called professor oam / professor lei instead which was his own name..director didn't even care to correct that), at some point the show seemed too dragged, at somepoints plot doesn't make any sense,no focus on timelapse of supporting characters story,poor editing some part of story seems missing and ending seem to hasty... At first I started watching the show without taking a look at its trailer and I watched it full but didn't understand the backstoey of fl and ml.. So i end up being confused at sometimes during their conversation that why ml hate fl.. Then at the end when I watched the trailer and read the plot on wiki I finally understood.. Because of which I had to rewatching it to understand the whole drama again