Bad movie, Bruce Willis click bait. First they all say hoorah( army term) but are called jarheads ( marine discription). At one point early in its obvious that paint balls are used. The story line has no origin or discription. They walk in with a small bag but have shotguns and r4's. Also they apparently brought NVG's because at the end they have them and the so called "bad guys don't. They did collect some of the "bad guys" gear but they got m4's from them even though they carried bull pup's. The leader finally was smart enough to grab body armor and kevlar helmets from them but only to trick them once into thinking imhe was one of them. No one else bothered to grab the body armor. The main story line was never explained. Yes I spent maybe a minute on this review. I did proof read or edit it. I gave it little forethought. I also jumped around and explained things poorly and didnt say spoiler alert. There are no paragraph breaks or proper punctuation. Still it is better than the movie. That's not saying anything about the trash I produced but saying everything about the garbage heap that piled up every second this movie ticked on.