I have watched the show from very early on. The life style is not for me but, I do find it interesting. Meri needs to grow up! Stop being untrustworthy and she might find she gains some respect! She clearly told them all they would not share in the profit of her B&B. Why is this? If for any reason she has been singled out from her family, it is of her own doing! I used to feel for her. She needs to go back and review the clips so she can atleast get her story straight the next time they have a meeting. Might also benefit if Cody and Meri met one on one prior to the meeting so she doesn't feel "attacked" and put her "WALL UP". So tired of these terms! Cody needs to fix it with Meri like a real man and real husband would! Stop using the other wives as leverage and buffers. Saying that he was the only "grown up in the room" & using words like "stupidity" in terms of ANY of his wives is down right mental abuse. Get it together Cody, because it's falling a part before you!