"Beam me up, Scotty"
Very good acting, for the majority of the film. Easy to follow, but predictable plot. Gruesome imagery that will ensure you feel uncomfortable and disturbed.
I recommend anyone who is interested in the abortion debate, wether you are Pro-choice or Pro-life, to watch Unplanned. Following the protaginist is interesting and insightful, but be careful to keep in mind that this film is Pro-life and therefore biased. There is effort to show the argument for Pro-choice through out the film but at the end of the day the film does cater to those who already support the Pro-choice movement.
I do not recommend eating before or while viewing Unplanned. There is a wholesome amount of gore in the film. Enough to make one quite uneasy at times, especially in the first half. But not enough to stop one from watching further. The brilliant dialogue and character development will hook you into wanting to know what will happen to our charismatic and developing protagonist. The relationships are heart wrenching and heartfelt as the film takes a dive and explores the themes of family, money and religion. The directors and writers of Unplanned balance these three themes perfectly and along side the wonderfully associated soundtrack, it creates a one-of-a-kind atmosphere you don't find in many other films.
6/10 wouldn't watch again.