These books are fantastic! They take difficult topics and present them in a way that is easy to understand for kids. They focus on the principles that are required for a truly free people to live - what our country had at one time and and is slowly losing like: limited government, free enterprise, truly caring for the poor and needy and fiscal responsibility. Each of the kid books are based a different classic like The Law by Bastiat. How many adults have read The Law? Clearly not enough in our day, otherwise we would not be trying to solve our social problems by more government regulations. ( Which historically have never worked in the long run.) Or How many adults really understand what goes into making a pencil? Or understand the outcome when the government makes a decision, but doesn't have to live with the consequences? (Isn't this the reason for the current $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill? To undo what the government did so callously decades ago and hurt minority communities?) Understanding the principles in the Tuttle Twin books will help future generations, (and who knows if enough adults read it), to not make so many of the grave mistakes that we as a country have made in the past 200+ years.