I haven't been hit this hard by something on the tv for probably most of my adult life! I watched the first episode and then immediately watched the rest through the day. I was born in 1983 and grew up in such an ignorant time but through my own choices I chose to educate myself over the years. Utterly heartbreaking to watch but completely necessary to give me insight into what it was actually like rather than just researching online or reading up about what was actually going on.
I never got told about HIV/AIDS or Gay men or that a woman could love a woman or that there was anything to do with relationships where it didn't have to be a man and a woman loving each other, it just wasn't talked about.
As a mother, I have educated my children about everything they need to know in life so they don't grow up with the same ignorance.
I have a great understanding and appreciation for the Gay community especially, so thank goodness we don't live in a time anymore where not only Gay men but the entire LGBTQ community can be themselves, love who they want and do what makes them happy in life, it just makes me so sad that sadly there are still some people who cannot just accept people for who they are when they're actually the ones with the problem!
This is what tv should be about, completely worthwhile television with incredible meaning behind it!
I'll be watching it again with my husband!
Absolutely worth watching without a doubt!!
AIDS should be a thing of the past, I am so sorry so much heartache had to happen to these poor people, medicine gets better all the time and even though it isn't curable let's hope as time continues AIDS will get to a place in time that it almost is.