Solo play works fine not a lot of issues so very playable there. Multi player is another story. the game is based on hauling loads of cargo around the map in rough terrain, but if you play with another player and one has a crane and the other dose not you can not use your crane to put the load back on their truck. the Cargo just falls thru. Multi player only seems to work on specific network settings. Can not play with people on the same network. Cargo and vehicles will dupe them selves in multiplayer. Progress you make in a co-op game is not saved for people who join the game. So completing a map with friends dose almost nothing for you unless you are the host. All the player that joins gets is a bit of cash per job and upgrades for vehicles. No map progress is saved for you, so if you send hours finishing a map and hope to go just play around on your own map nope every thing is back at square one. So If you Are playing with friends you need to do twice the game play ( same missions over again ). i see adding some replay value, but mostly a pain as you have to do every thing twice. Who spends $40-^0 dollars on a game for it to tell you hey you can play co-op but it only really helps the person who hosts. Until multiplayer is fixed this game gets a whole 3 mostly because they released an unfinished untested game At full price. saying hey play with your friend, but that is a 50/50 if it will work or not. 100% fail if on the same network. they knew this was a issue and released the game any way.