So, had I not known the lore, I would say this is a 5 star animation...
I am pretty disappointed that they have not stuck to the lore tbh...
I love the side characters but I feel that the characteristics/personality and storyline for Rockwell himself and the Rockwell/Helena relationship (at least starting out) are way off from the lore.
They only have brief mentions of any of his recipe's even though that was his main character plot for almost the entire "island" chapter ...
He also "befriended" Helena and they considered each other "colleagues" ... Rockwell had a narcissistic chip on his shoulder and believed himself smarter than her but never was he cruel.... at least until later in the Ark story....
Also, the love story between Mei Yen and Helena does not follow lore... Mei Yen is, in fact, a lesbian ... So its not that I have a problem with the lesbian aspect... she actually falls in love with a woman that she meets on Aberration and it is a major influence to that "chapter" of the Ark story... The level of trust and love in Mei Yen and Helena's platonic friendship/relationship, to me, makes the "ending" even more amazing....
I have been wanting and waiting for this show for years and years... Just a little let down. I may or may not have listened to and read over the explorer notes more than once... I really love the original Ark lore/story.
I know that movies and shows often stray from whatever novel or game they are based on ... just wish they didn't mess so much with vital characters ....and in ways that I really can't see how the rest of the series is going to follow the lore.
All that to say, here's to hoping this all ties in - as lame as it sounds, this series means a lot to me....