I’m about 200+ hours into the game and my most favourite games of all time are Bethesda games for example I started on oblivion then fallout 3 fallout new Vegas Skyrim these are the games I got lost in with hundreds of playthroughs on each game easily which contained interesting characters important choices which effected the world around you and sometimes even locked you out of certain quests even exploring all though the maps that weren’t that big felt massive and gave you the feeling of not wanting to miss anything making you want to look around every corner. None of the points which I’ve made exist in starfield,boring characters,no interesting quests apart from one or two of the faction quest’s, the empty planets which look so generic and have generated points of interest which are mostly caves and bandit outposts and there’s like 2 or 3 versions for each cosmetic designs for the caves and bases which are copy and pasted throughout each planet and star system so once you’ve seen one or to you’ve seen them all, the main story is short repetitive and no meaningful or memorable moments throughout the quest line. The comments I’ve just read previous to mine saying starfield is a masterpiece is just so strange to read and fake.my opinion I believe is valid because of the memories I’ve had playing thousands of hours I’ve soaked into there older games but starfield as much I wanted to love it isn’t one of those games anyone who says otherwise is lying it’s just not at all.