I laughed, I cried, I related, I reflected, I prayed . . . I healed.
I took my time reading this book. I set apart quiet mornings and late bedtimes, reading only a chapter (or four) as a time of devotion and reflection as I read the real and genuine words of a life shared so openly. A life that mirrored many of my own trials. It is not often that I read someone else's story while constantly thinking of myself, but I had to read certain passages over and over again because I could have written them about my own life!
Ms. Preston's voice is strong and clear as she eloquently shares her trials and triumphs (contained in short chapters) and then wraps them with love as she shares God's Word and blessings with each story. Her positive perspective and gratitude humbled me. As I read about her miscarriage, divorce, loss of a loved one, and being a single mom, I cried, "Me too!" over and over. And when I stopped to reminisce or feel sorry for myself, I allowed a little time for that, and then I read on to find the gift at the end of each story, because each chapter was a gift I wanted to savor and carefully unwrap so I could get the lesson from it. The words were like a healing balm, and I soaked them in. Thank you to Ms. Preston for sharing this beautiful gift with us, aptly named—it's real to me, too.