What a load of tripe. I know the UK is in a bad way but people dont turn into hobgoblins at the drop of a hat, and the bleeding heart humanitarian crisis is all the more laughable due to the very real and very deadly flooding that occurred in the US recently. Almost every single "failure of morality" in the film was shown in real life to be the exact opposite reaction displayed by the living breathing people in the american south. Everyone banded together to help one another, the dissolution of community that was portrayed was absurdist first year film school pipe dreaming. The filmography alone was pretentious to the extreme, good job being dramatic now can I get to the story please? Also holy cow has anyone involved in the story writing ever seen a baby before much less cared for one? Lemme tell you that no baby is gonna behave like that, also wheres the diapers?
Preachy and cringy to the extreme and displays exactly how out of touch the writers are with the average person of any country.