This has got to be the most annoying soap lve seen.
This is all down to the fact that one of the main characters Reyhan just doesn't speak, especially to her husband. She stands there like a cardboard cut out with that confused. Dom look all the time.
She is being bullied by her mother in law and husbands life long friend but she still doesn't speak.
It's not normal to have so much silence. I feel like shaking her and breathing new life into her.
She's a very attractive young lady but it's spoilt by the fact that she has as much life in her as a kitchen sponge.
Wakey wakey producers plz get her to talk before lm tempted to break the tv screen or are you scared that you would need to create new story lines if she begins to speak
Thankfully l only see this soap once a week at my mums as she gives me an update but if l had to watch this more l think l would of switched off a very long time ago