I was obsessed with the first few seasons- but now I find them annoying. I think Kim and Kris always had a vision of where they wanted to be in society and fame wise - the rest of the family just falls in place. Kylie seems to be following in their footsteps - Kendall, Khloe and Rob seem so genuine.
I’ll be the first to disagree when people say they are “talentless” - there was 100% a lot of luck but also a lot of marketing and thought behind “The Kardashians”
But Kim takes her private plane on 30 min rides (thanks for looking out for our environment - just be a bit patient and wait in traffic like everyone else.) They take their children to sit front row at Fashion Week for designers that don’t have children’s lines - just because they are who they are. I mean hate her or love her I think Kim earned a spot next to Anna Wintour… but what the eff is North West doing there? They are parading their children around to literally be mini versions of themselves.
Even though this is when I used to like the show the grossest thing was Kim posing for the camera and crying about her diamond earring. Being a spoiled snot isn’t a good look.
And Kourtney hates filming … hates being a part of the shows. Hates it hates it. Then has a wedding special and is going to be a part of the new season. Girl if you hate it that much quit - otherwise stop complaining about filming.
When Kris’ sister died - some many news outlets picked it up. But it seemed more about Kris’ loss than the life of her sister….which I found so distasteful.
Enough is enough. Please do us all a favor and cancel them.