I enjoy watching this movie every time I see it. That's mainly because its a film I watch every-night because I use it as a way to fall asleep to.
(I don't have that many DVD's to watch at night.)
And cause of that. I know every-line of by heart... Even if people bash it because it being racist and sexist (which I'll talk about the sexist later.) I would still enjoy watching these films because it can be fun to watch them sometimes, not a lot but sometimes!
In terms of the sexism, I feel as if Bay, Kurtzman(s) and Orci went a bit too far with the "Sexist" part of the characters. Transformers is a movie that was meant for one period of time that has since become dated. Meaning the film itself has become dated.
But it still is a fun-time when watching. I think Turturro was one of the best in the film because he looks like he's having fun portraying this character. And LeBeouf and Fox are passable and are doing a pretty good job at acting in this. Everyone else is good at best.
This is a good, enjoyable film to watch with anyone. Just take some certain character traits with a grain of salt.