very disappointing to hear your sad comments and bad body language regarding young North Melb new recruit with some supporters showing the star of David flag of Israel....this is not about religion it about an apartheid state which now have politically footy with politics...this flag is responsible in killing many uoung Palestinians.
ROBO when young Bashar Houli played with the tigers there was no Lebanese flag no flags with crescents which represent his back ground same goes for Young Ahmed Saad, no Adam Saad.
The media is owned by Zionest mob who are killing people in Palestinian and Syria and many other places.
Your views are one sided and I guess you need to support your employers who happend to be Zionist supporters.
Let us leave politics out of our game and clap to a good game or player and it does not matter what his background is he is a Aussie who is doing well and we love him