I didn't finish watching Love alarm because I saw on the reviews that at the end there will be a cliff hanger. I don't like cliff hangers it makes me sad and depressed. 😔 I rated this 4 out of 5 because I loved Love alarm from episode 1 until the half 5. What makes it so depressing and sad us that Jojo left Sun Oh for some reason. They were such a good couple and I can't understand why she dumped him. He must have been so heartbroken. I'm scared of finishing this k drama because everytime I finish something and there is a cliff hanger I get depressed deep inside and get so sad, so tell me should I finish it or not.? The People who have finished watching Love alarm, is it good at the end is it sad or is it worth finish watching it. I still have to watch episode 7 and 8. Should I finish it?