This is a heartbreaking tale in the proportions of Old Testament JOB. Despite heartache and hopelessness, Dan persists while trusting that justice will be the final result. The thread of mercy, forgiveness,and grace is woven in a sorrowing tale of broken people who bravely step up to do the right thing.
It documents the terrible conditions revealed by the cracks in society which invite addiction to drugs either for escape from pain or as a means of income.
The drug dealers who illegally unload street drugs on a corner due to hopelessness and helplessness are minor outlaws when compared to the GREEDY white collar Crime Syndicate of Purdue Pharma. Negligent doctors, reluctant FBI, DOJ, DEA agencies, and inattentive politicians seem to watch as a perfect storm of drug abuse horrors grow into a deadly epidemic that should have been slowed or stopped.