"The Last of Us 2" felt like writers being the real enemy of the game considering the Graphics, Atmosphere, Sound Design, Soundtrack and Level Design is such masterfully created by lot of talented people working very hard. Gameplay pretty much uses the same formula from previous game but its still enjoyable for a while even though i feel like kill animations could have been improved especially runner attack animations which were based only on just 2 sets of movement, you dodge and then you attack and that is it. AI companion system is improved a bit from previous game but still at times it can just run into enemy sight without enemy ai ever noticing.
Last of Us 2 suffers the most from its narrative direction being a real mess with very much off pacing of story moments. Its lack of understanding of characters which "The Last of Us" mastered on. The first game knew its story is standard and the gameplay is only so much fun till its time and that is the reason why that game focused on the characters and well written dialogue being only 10 - 15 hours long. This game completely forgets about its own main character design with dialogue not so effective and most of the time coming off as cringy and illogical leading to 'SENSELESS' Character Choices that only exists to keep the story moving forward. The story interestingly focuses on the action/choices and its consequences but still failing miserably by contradicting its own point.
There is no light in this darkness of The Last of Us 2 nor there is anyone looking for it in this game. It breaks my heart looking at this tragedy and misery this game is.