I'm a massive fan of the original Matrix films and can't believe what I've just watched. Matrix 4 is terrible on so many levels and does nothing to advance the Matrix arc/lore. The exclusion of Fishburne and Weaving is ridiculous. The cardboard stand-ins are laughable in comparison and totally forgettable. It's basically a ludicrous story about the battery 'power' of love, and just for good measure in the current woke climate the Matrix prophecy is ripped to shreds and out of nowhere and without explanation 'the one' is suddenly now not the only 'one'!!! The decision to incorporate humour and self parody/depracation throughout is totally lame and goes against the dark tone of the Matrix universe. The CGI only just matches the previous films and the action sequences are absolutely terrible and mind numbingly boring, surpassed by pretty much any other blockbuster. The original sequels weren't great but at least they consistently followed the tone of the original. This is a blatant dumbed down cash-in and 5 star reviews on here must surely be sponsored by the studio. This movie is a complete snoozefest and embarrassment to the originals. As for the end credits scene...pathetic!