I wanted to write this screenplay by using the states name you have created a work of fiction though it kept my attention I wanted so much more for a movie named after my beloved state I wanted everybody to know about the history the deep history Hot springs the gangster era Al Capone FBI Fort Smith Alma the Alamos the Morgan Nick abduction the Jonesboro massacre also Little Rock integration Central high you have Memphis this is a state that created Joe Jackson father of the Jackson Glen Campbell Johnny Cash , we have Bigfoot we have inbred cannibals in the forest what else do you want we had a phantom in Texarkana we had a famous UFO experience over fort Smith Arkansas in the 60s and let's not forget the Clintons and all the
conspiracies to follow them all the big secrets down here that are everyday knowledge for us my hometown of Fort Smith the trail .of tears once the gateway no man's land Judge Parker the famous hanging judge US Marshals we have Fayetteville the Crescent hotel with all of this I know several lives who have intertwined through the decades and movie on Mena it was interesting left a lot out let's not forget the two boys on the railroad tracks in Benton and is also the hometown of Billy Ray Thornton now with all of this how could you not represent and educate the rest of the country open the door to find out about people who have seen a lot work hard still bless your heart not sitting on our porches smoking our pipes drinking our moonshine okay well maybe some of us wear the label
Of hillbilly is Warren crowd buy some to me is just not altogether correct more like beautiful mountains Petit Jean state park one of the most beautiful places on this Earth we are lake babies musicians City dwellers country folk politicians paranormal investigators who are some of the most interesting people in this great country of ours there's so much more mystical wonderful things about Arkansas but I just don't have room for here in this space invite all of you everybody across America come see our beautiful state come sit down to dinner with us have a glass of lemonade let us tell you the real story of Arkansas that was my screenplay I would be thanking God for my Oscar this year