This show is pretty good. And I mean the acting is good, but it's definitely not the best acting I've ever seen. The show did get a little bit messy after a couple episodes. Brooke Osmond went from hating, and technically bullying Alex, to being his boyfriend in only a couple episodes. The ending of Season 1 was a great plot twist though, and it set up Season 1 perfectly.
Season 2 was great, it was a little strange at first. I don't like how Brooke was hypnotized for most of the season because that made the show feel a little strange. But the beginning of Season 3 was definitely odd, but kinda cool in many ways.
Mr. Osmond for some reason didn't want the Ravens and the Eagles to get along. I know it was ruining the reason why their was two different clubhouses but that's just one bad influence on a bunch of teenagers. I don't like how Alex kinda treated Brooke badly, and I mean, he was saying stuff that generally just offended Brooke.
Season 4 was great, by far probably the best season. I like the plot between Jason, and that other guy(Spoiler Alert: That other guy is Jason) I definitely liked the plot, it was really original. But from what I said, I think this show could've used some work. I think the episodes could've been a little longer, maybe around thirty five minutes, but I still liked the show.