Panchayat is a comedy-drama, A story of an engineering graduate Abhishek (Jitendra Kumar), who joins as a panchayat secretary in a village of Uttarpradesh, Phulera due to lack of job oppourtinities. He is unhappy with this job as it was his backup plan. While he works as a government employee in a village his friend is working in a cooperate company in the city.
In Abhishek’s mind phulera is a stop gap option till he manages to crack his CAT exams to secure an IIM admission. He faces many challenges while working in the village like frequent power cuts, unorganized office, dowry, family planning, etc.
This series reflect culture of Uttarpradesh where people are very superstitious, narrow minded and gullible. The nature of the people is pleseant and helpful.
The colour pallete in this series is yellow tint and grey tone. Yellow tones are supposed to depict warm, tropical and dry climates and grey tone depicts dullness and depression.
The set in the series is property based. Where they have changed the appearance of the property. The cinematography of the series has been shoot in close-up.
Panchayat is the highlight of the web series. Jitendra Kumar is complete natural as frustrated guy who is transferred from an urban city life to a small village.
Basically it is a collection of events that Abhishek faces and experiences with the people he has to deal with.