Alright I took the time to watch every episode in this series and I can say with every whim that there are very few things wrong with this thing. Like seriously, the writing, characters, animation, and humor are just top notch. It all feels so unique, especially the humor. I just cannot be started on it, it is just SO good. It feels comparable to the Simpson’s and could be better than adventure time, which is insane to think about. The think the main aspect that really drives the show, however, is that unlike other children’s entertainment these days, it helps the audience feel mature. Even though the majority of the audience is generally younger, they never seem to have the need to dumb down anything about what what it is trying to go for. This really makes the show great, because they don’t follow the norm of absolutely terrible trends like troom-troom or some modern Disney movies. The writers knew that kids are smarter than they think, and because of this, it helped them care about what they were doing and created something absolutely fantastic, just like other kids shows back in the day like the DCAU. It is clear that we need more things like gumball that cover this kind of entertainment, because it helps kids feel special in a sort of way. It doesn’t make them feel dumb, and overall, it bring much more of an appreciation to the older generations as well. Anyways, I can wait until the movie comes out to see what they do with this whole thing they have created.