Wow, I am appald. This Liberal propaganda is horrendous. They are infultrating modern day disney. I am trying to keep my cool but it is getting really hard thing of all these poor babys being subjected BRAINWASHING🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 The liberals are trying to get everyone on their side, but not ME and my precious babys. I will keep their minds untainted and hopefully you will keep your children's minds untainted. I am so sorry to anyone who had to see this horrible garbage. I hope the brainwashing is reversible and someday we can be brought forward into the light of Jesus. This marxist ploy to infiltrate our youth's influencable minds is SICKENING🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬. I am so tired of seeing this evil media corrupt our children. And I KNOW the secret Hollywood elite and (((them))) are behind it.
The character Bing-Bong is actually part of a plot to trans your children. Ypou see, it is a rainbow-colored badge that he carries around, which is CLEARLY an attempt to turn your children into a they/them. The character joy is yellow, which I TAKE OBJECTION TO🤬🤬🤬🤬. Yellow is my LEAST favorite color, and every frame in which she is present makes my want to strangle all 132 of my children. I AM VERY STABLE>>🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 This movie also CLEARLY promotes suicidal tendencies! When joy tries to get back to "HQ"(secretly their evil encampment) she tries to jump off the island and tries to kill herself. wow. I am appald. How could they EVER put this in a movie that my babys watched. I can't believe it.
Also, this "movie" shows emotions other than fear. How could a child ever feel anything other than fear towards their proper guardian? I, as an excellent parent, ensure that my children receive proper upbringings and disiciplen under the crushing boot of authority. I love them so. <3