Mark Levin and his guests explain, calmly, the consequences of actions that politicians and governments take, and thereby educate and enlighten the audience as to the dangers posed to their liberties. The recent episode with Stanley Kurtz of National Review went in depth in exposing the AFFH, an Obama-Biden plan, to remake the suburbs so that they look more like the cities and also pay for the high-density low-income housing that the suburbs will be forced to build and offer to city residents. No more single family housing and goodbye to the local character of the schools. All will be run pretty much out of the US government Housing and Urban Development (HUD) department. The Democrats earlier made a run at this via trying to annex the suburbs to the cities to get their tax dollars, but that was ruled illegal without a vote of the residents. This is aimed to achieve the same thing without requiring such a vote. Biden has stated that he intends to go forward with this plan and to withhold federal funds to suburbs who do not comply. Watch what you wish for!