I am a HUGE fan of the book as well as the 1993 Film versiona me have read and watched them multiple times. This version didn’t really correspond to the book at all. The cinematography was well done but the pacing was very off, lots of it didn’t make much sense and some of what I would consider, major plot points were missed. The age rating is 8 but I would raise it up to 11 as it could be scary for younger children. Although it did have some good actors such as Colin Firth and Julie Walters I don’t think it was well written and it was very cringe worthy. I’m glad I did not have to pay to watch it. The one other good thing about it was the ending credits song by Aurora, it was probably the most enjoyable part of the movie. Over all this was complete waste of 1 hour and 40 minutes of my life. Please read the book first.