Really, really hard work. I got the nuclear war. I got the hysterics. I got the pact with god. I got the waking from a dream. Then, I wasn't sure if he really was dreaming. If he were, the bizarre actions of all the other characters, the stylised positions they were in when moving around and talking to each other, the fact he loved taking that weirdly positioned ladder down to the ground floor, then walking back into the house, would have made a little more sense. When he awoke from the dream he seemed to be mad, not realising his pact. All he actually did from the pact was set fire to his house! I've still no idea what really happened to his kid - who was for no reason whatsoever referred to as 'Little Man' all the way through. No Tarkovsky, really not one of your best. 3 hours of my life I will not get back.