Tribes of Midgard just came on PlayStation store for free this month, I have to say aside from the steep curve new players initially have to overcome, once you level up a few times it becomes easier. For those writing bad reviews and low stars, I don’t believe they stayed long enough to enjoy what’s offered. You start off with the basic tutorial which only scratches the surface of the game, after that it throws you in pretty quickly. There isn’t really any explanation on the runes you pick up, which add extra buffs to your player, or what the weapons do until you get them and read. The basic principle is this, your thrown into a procedurally generated world which the days will get shorter and colder as time passes. You must gather material as soon as you drop in to build miners pick and axe to chop and both help you gather more resources faster. Once you’ve gotten those your next goal is to PICK UP EVERYTHING, lol literally everything, I believe there is no limit or if there is it’s like 999, so collect everything. Also while your collecting you must start exploring further out to collect the unique materials needed to level up your gear. Now at this point your probably like hmmm well run around gather and explore that sounds maybe boring or like Minecraft, but there is more. At the same time while your running around gathering and exploring, you must be prepared because as night approaches you’ll have to defend your home base from an onslaught of monsters. The first couple waves aren’t really difficult but as the days go by the monster get stronger and your defense’s will need to be fixed, ergo all the materials you’ve been collecting (hopefully) and refining will then be needed to upgrade your base. Essentially you will have to upgrade the gates and to build archer towers, plus the souls you collect will help level your blacksmith, armorer and so on so fourth. Now if this doesn’t sound to overly difficult then wait there is more. As you go by collecting and fighting there will be giants that come through, four to be precise, and they come one at a time. A fire, wind, ice and dark energy giant, and they also get increasingly tough as the days go by, the first one isn’t extremely difficult but after that you will need to be semi upgraded to deal with them. Now you may be asking well why are these giants and monsters after you?? Well inside your base is a tree, and probably the most important thing to protect because if the tree runs out of life it’s game over! The tree has a life bar and starts about half full and can be filled by adding souls to it as well, now half full health is more then enough for the tree when your starting out but eventually you’ll definitely want to add more as time passes to kinda beef it up a little, but don’t go throwing in all your souls at the start because you’ll need them more to upgrade everything else. You will die and you will lose but that’s part of the experience, look at the challenges as well to see what you need to do to unlock other classes. Berserker is honestly my favorite after the warrior class because the dps is very high.