I have attempted to get through this movie 5x's. I'm writing this review at 54:54.... It deserves its place amongst trash!! I should give away everything that I've seen so far because I truly would not recommend! I'm an avid horror/thriller movie and TV show watcher for almost 50 years.
The first one killed a child for no darn good reason, had two people put their family in more danger by creating new problems with a new baby (total rip from TWD).... it's an apocalypse people...Stop! Having! Intercourse!!! Like, seriously??!!!?? Who's thinking about hooking up during an apocalypse? Idjits, that's who!!!
Day one... this terminally ill woman is essentially committing suicide for her last moment of happiness! OK, I can relate if it were normal circumstances and not life on earth ending circumstances! Like, ngl, I'm trying to be disrespectful cause there's no excuse for showing that humans are this level of selfish or stupid!!!
Countries outside of the US have definitely bested us in regards to film and TV!