I have to take two stars out because of this.. Is it just me who realized this until the last episode. Kinns father, Mr Korn and Porshes Mother are siblings. So that means Porshes mother is Kinns aunt and Kinns father is Porshes uncle. So doesnt that mean kinn and porshe are titled to be cousins because of this. Especially Mr Gun (Kinns Uncle) would be Porshes mothers brother too since Mr Korn is Porshes moms brother aswell. (Since Mr Korn and Mr Gun are brothers). So you're telling me Mr Gun liked his sister, and Kinn and Porshe are cousins? (Yes I know not by blood but still by releatshionship status they would be).
But also I feel like the releatshionships were a little toxic and didnt have much actual love for eachother other than just wanting eachother for their bodys. Overall this is a 3-4 star bl drama. I feel like the drama could be better if it didnt inlove much toxicness and releated relationsips. (But the drama isnt all that bad as I may make it seem, since their is character development along with vegas actually loving pete not only for his body later and same from kinn and porshe).