This was such a cliche cheesy romance novel that world already has too many of. They say its mysterious and full of shocking turns, even though I could have guessed every single "plot twist". I actually liked it for a long time, but the farther I got, the more I hated it. Sophie's really annoying, and I hate how perfect they try to make her. She's self focused and only cares about herself, yet somehow we're supposed to root for her. She has way to many powers and that makes her so unrelatable. She's the literal definition of a Mary Sue.
They also give them stuffed animals, which is really weird to me. And for some reason it's in their legal documents. No one cares if you sleep with a stuffed red dragon! Although your parrents might wnat you to grow up or send you to therapy. I think it's also copying a lot from Harry Potter. Anyone who doesn't agree hasn't read it. Well at least.
Literally: Sophie (Harry) is brought by Fitz (Hagrid) into the Lost Cities (The Wizarding World). She attends Foxfire (Hogwarts) And makes friends with trouble maker Keefe (Fred and George). Her closest circle of friends is Fitz, Biana, and Dex. (Ron and Hermione) But there are some people who don't like her, like Stina (Draco Malfoy) and Cassius (Lucius Malfoy). She fights off the Neverseen (Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters). There's a secret organization to destroy the neverseen, the Black Swan (Order of the Pheonix), but they leave her in the dark about a lot. Sophie is bullied by her mean alchemy (potions) teacher Lady Galvin (Professor Snape). Later she has to learn inflicting (Occlumency) one on one with another mean teacher, Councillor Bronte (also snape). And that's only some. I could go on for about 10 more paragraphs.
Also, way too many books. She had like 8 or 9 I think. It's ok in Harry Potter because they're tied together, but these aren't. I have absolutely no clue what's happening at this point or how old she is. There's no frame of reference for time her, and it makes it worse that they don't even have birthdays.
The dumbest thing though was that the Neverseen that had been wanting her dead for years, just up and left when she was literally passed out in front of them with no one protecting her.