I honestly really enjoyed the film. My Fiancé and I had all the intentions of going to this movie to make fun of it because of what we saw in the trailer. Truthfully, we thought this movie was gonna be a flop. However, we found ourselves actually enjoying it and after talking about it, figured it was better to judge it similar to how some of Dragon Ball Movies were, how some weren't really canon but to drive in some audience to think about the game itself.
The movie itself, just like the trailer, had some funny bits, and seeing the scene in its entirety rather than a clip actually made the scenes more better for the characters. Like Kevin Hart for example, we both thought he was a horrible choice to pick for Roland's role because he simply didn't fit the profile. He's a comedian who (as far as i can see) didn't play that many serious roles. However, in this movie, he really did Roland justice. He kept serious majority of the time and out of the whole movie he cracked maybe... 8 jokes in total. He didn't crack a joke every scene compared to his usual role. He kept, as much as he could, to Roland's role and we appreciated that.
Lilith's role we were both indifferent, confused, about her place. Her story for this movie was fairly odd, and she had some cool moments but it seemed like they wanted her to be the main character. I have nothing against the actress that played her, she talked and acted very similar to how Lilith in the game was. I personally don't really have anything negative to say, nor positive. She kind of rests in the middle for me.
We both loved Krieg in the movie, him and Claptrap were the best characters that were the closest to the game characters. I have no negative thing to say about either of these characters. They were both wonderful, funny, and on point throughout the whole move. (Except for the part on how we don't get to see Krieg go into Badass Psycho or anything but that's fine, its fine.)
Tina was honestly disappointing to see. The actress did her personality well, and it was satisfying to hear her call the bombs her Badonkadonks. But we hated the backstory that they gave her. (Keep in mind, we haven't played Tales of the Borderlands series so for all I know it could've been touching on that but I don't know I'm going off of the games we have played.)
All in all, the movie was great. We wouldn't mind watching it again. I definitely recommend that if your thinking about watching it and if your a huge fan like we are of the Borderlands games, please go into this movie knowing that its THEIR adaptation. It is in no way canon to the game. There are obviously, some gripes that we had with the movie that we know they got wrong or misused. But lets be honest here, productions will never be on point when recreating something. However, we loved the references they made in this movie, as well as some of the side characters that got to make an appearance.
Overall, We give this movie like either a 6.5 or 7/10.