It’s rare that a game really actually makes me want to write a review, but this one deserves it. I saw the $19.99 price, along with the M rating on a noir detective style game and thought “Why the Hell not”. The game starts off with a heavy Sin City vibe that sets the tone for the rest of the game while you discover the VERY deep and intricate lore of the game through interactions with the citizens and the thoughts of your character. Speaking of which, the voice acting is phenomenal, so much that if you close your eyes you might just forget it’s a pair of chickens saying it all. The dialogue is witty and banter rich, with the characters interacting with the history they’re said to have. The game makes me think that there might even be a book tie in or some kind of promotion to show off more of the world, which I would personally love to see. Now with all that said, the game does have a few flaws. Sometimes the objective isn’t particularly clear, and accidentally skipping a piece of crucial dialogue can make you wander around or make you click on every object like you missed a important detail. It’s also frustrating hearing about certain events or characters referenced repeatedly throughout the story, but they are either not explored fully or hidden in a easy to miss cutscene locked at the end of the game (looking at you Shadows From The Past II) or the characters are never even shown. Now this does make you intrigued about sequels and the Chicken Police history as a whole, but it felt a little disappointing hearing so much about Laura from Marty but never seeing her. But this game is definitely a sleeper hit that passed by underneath a lot of radars. I’m really looking forward to seeing what they do next in the series