This book disturbed me on so many levels. I will admit it was entertaining and had me hooked. But I found myself being so irritated with Tiernan and wanting to scream at her. I find it highly unlikely that a young virgin would have a threesome so easily in the way she did. I find it disturbing that Jake was an uncle figure to her. Although not blood, he was a 40 year old man lusting after a 17 year old. Even if he had feelings, to act on them and take her V is disturbing and made me lose respect for him as a character. Kaleb sexually assaulting her the way he did multiple times showed me he was not capable of loving her, so for him to end up being the perfect man for her was unrealiastic and a let down. I wish she would have set bounderies for the Jake character. given him some restraint and have her lose her V to kaleb in a better way. and take the threesome out. That was crazy and unnecessary. uggg this book...