All negative reviews of Sam Bahadur by animal t series paid pr gang not giving single reason why they don’t like about movie or describing any scene if u go to their profile everyone can see animal and sam Bahadur both reviews given at same time span means animal
Pr got paid for reviewing both animal and Sam Bahadur but without watching Sam Bahadur 1 star what a double standards even animal
Is way ahead of Sam Bahadur in term of collections still pr cheap tactics how can one person give two movie release at same day Same time reviews what a dumb brain even school kid can say how much fake
people can go to 1 star people review profile pic and see both animal and Sam Bahadur review at same timespan without watching movie only
keeping 1 star purposely to share fakeness of pr lol what a mafia industry mid range budget movies will not allow to shine
Those who are calling every biography propaganda know history please
People who want to hype that nude animal stay away from Sam Bahadur it is not animal film made for showing nude sex violence it is tribute to a army man there is difference