The best part of this book was the insights taken from other people, Buddhism and neuroscience. The author has collected them well. I found empathy for the author and do not want to say anything unkind about her writing style. I think perhaps I was not in the target audience.
The main thing I was thinking the whole way through is - this woman seems like she has Borderline Personality Disorder (or at least strong traits) and doesn’t know it. She should look up Dr Daniel Fox or Marsha Lineham as they describe the disorder with some empathy.
This may be the kind of book that’s helpful for teenagers or young 20 somethings, but as I’m in my early 30’s I found a lot of the problems she was trying to over come quite trivial. How to handle getting a bad photo, how to not spend the day locked up crying because of a bad pimple, how to handle it when you invite people to your wedding, but see on social media they went out and didn’t invite you for out for drinks.