Interesting premise but isn’t satire supposed to be smart? The lead “monk” wrote the book on ghetto life that is marketed by the white publishing establishment and becomes a success. Why does the author “monk” skirt his obvious need for acclaim? and the reason he wrote the book in the first place. The music is misplaced for the action. The female characters are set up to be savvy shape builders of the leads experience but actually “hover” strangely like cut outs- even though the film consistently injects each into the scene but then allocates them into the back ground where each woman literally follows the lead character around the movie -The lead character appears to be thrown into responsibility for his family but is self centered throughout. The dialogue grinds on like under grad film school attempt at earnest feelings- the dialogue is so bad like a movie of the week from the late 1980’s- sterling k browns and his lgbtq side kicks are sterotypes. For what the film is trying to bring to light in shelling out complexities in the Protagonist it comes at the expense at every other character which end up flattening the protagonist’s experience totally - it fails- . Dissapoining.