The people complaining about why She-Hulk can control her abilities better and faster than Hulk(Banner) have no knowledge about the comics. She isn’t hit with gamma radiation like Bruce is. People are also complaining about politics because Jen speaks about misogyny and dealing with creepy men. News flash, she’s a WOMAN. This is a common lived experience. Arguing it’s too “political” is ridiculous, it’s MAREVL it’s always been political.It’s simply 2022 and the “anti woke” , perpetually whimpering crowd believe that media they grew up with before the rise of right wing cinema “critique” existed in a vacuum and wasn’t informed by politics. X-Men = 60s Civil Rights movement, Black Panther = Colonialism and radicalization, Wanda and Pietro = traumatized victims of Western fighters careless actions, Captain America = fought Nazis, fought against a surveillance state, ETC.
The CGI is great, the cast is wonderful, people love buying into outrage culture because that's what gets the most views/clicks and there is an addiction to anger in our socieety. Give the show a chance because it's very good.