Dear Joe, Mika, and colleagues: Responding to the frequent verbal surgery on Democrats, the war in Ukraine, and other items in order to explain why Democrats are not mastering a thesaurus in order to fight 'Republican fire with fire' as Jonathan Capehart suggested this morning, April 28, 2022.
1. As Mika listed off complaints about quietly disorganized Democrats, my retired teacher brain repetitiously said to itself "agree", "agree", as if the litany of her recitation were a required question I had to answer to pass some imaginary national test for the level of knowledge/depth of thinking were a multiple choice question. She, as is true of others in the network, repeat themselves day to day and throughout the day.
One level down response in my system: so, I should be sounding and looking as stupid as the Republicans? Nah. How about proposing solutions to the problem instead? Consider the possibility that most of us would prefer to join a positive image of success--where the ethics flourish, creativity functions, positive benefits are available and we al look good. Or, put differently, the shoveling the horse's stall is not so visible.
Knowing the options for resolutions is undoubtedly complicated because of the network of laws and social conditions to account for.
Yet not even the next level question down is offered for discussion. For example, three issues at night taken up by other news anchors (Katie Porter's issue on conflict of interest involved asking for the money back), (the $700 million on a trucking firm that Trump loaned to it), the cost of Air Force One) are all sources of funding for payment plans that would help fund our interest in Ukraine). But why isn't someone explaining that some country's version of a Navy Seal hasn't attached an explosive to the ships so a safe passage can be set up to get those trapped under buildings out?
Not that all these issues tie together but looking for relationships as problem solving possibilities would be more helpful and your station has access to experts--instant education is possible.
Linda Allen