"This game is awful and I do not recommend you buy it" is something I hear often from other players who've already put 500+ hours into the game.
If you come into this game with ANY expectations of what the game is, you will likely be sorely disappointed. If you come into it with an open mind and an understanding that you may not have a clue what the game is supposed to be, it will be much easier for you to enjoy it for what it is.
So what is it? Beats me. Sometimes it feels like a factory simulator, sometimes it feels like a sailing game, sometimes it feels like a game that was made to test your patience and infuriate you beyond belief. I've played since day one and eventually joined up with a group of people who all have different goals in the game and enjoy very different approaches.
It's a game that's constantly criticized by the people who keep playing it, so there will be even more people who have their criticisms and stopped playing. Based on that, I recommend playing a trial, waiting for sales or even waiting for a free release, but I would NEVER recommend you don't give it a go.
The last thing worth noting is that I started the game as someone who had only ever played single player games, had no experience playing with strangers online, and never had any interest in changing that. I personally enjoyed the solo game so much, that I stepped out of my comfort zone and started playing regularly with a group I found in-game, all because I wanted to experience more of the game I was enjoying so much. It's been a great introduction to this type of gaming and I would encourage other solo players to do the same to get the most out of this game. Then you can all complain about the game together, while spending hours every day playing it.