The best that can be said about this is it’s a story “loosely” based on the works of Tolkien. There are characters with the same names as in his writings but they are so unlike the characters he created that one would be forgiven for thinking their names were just coincidence. Besides the now obligatory diversity present in every race of sentient beings in the show, we have the main character of Galadriel, who so enchanted us in the books and Peter Jackson movies who has been turned into a super warrior. She has more fighting skills than all of her all-male elf companions combined. This Galadriel is on a never ending quest to hunt down orcs and Sauron, a fact that was never revealed to my knowledge in any of Tolkien’s writings. If this was a different female elven character, I would have no problem with that part of the story but it just seems the writers were desperate to create a warrior woman to appease the feminist audience they had to attach the attribute to an already established character. It just seems so overworked and there have only been two episodes. As far as the diversity, meh, I don’t really care but it is obviously blatant pandering. I’ll stick it out but I have to say I’m not impressed so far.