Gunjan Saxena - The Kargil Girl is not a movie, it is the inspiration for all women on this earth. You are not born to do work in the kitchen only if you watched a dream in your childhood and you are passionately mad to achieve that dream then don't think about other, prove your place in other minds. And also for every parent, if your daughter had something to do different then please don't stop her to bound in a cage, let her fly in the sky. Try to support her, fulfil her dream, make herself to face the real world. Because we only talk about equality, we never tried to give them a chance to prove herself.
I don't want to write an article on it because I really want that every Indian will watch this web series of movie, whatever you want to understand it that is up to you, but this is a worthful story that everyone must have to watch.
This was the original review rest all character had played their roles very perfectly.