These reviews are dumb. Have any of you personally experienced what this could possibly be like? She's in IMMENSE amount of pain, trying to escape with her life. BFFR. I know this is just a movie and Hollywood over uses the same plot lines over and over. But to the people in these reviews saying "Why would she do that?" at least for the screaming for help, i can understand because yes that is dumb. Yall need to get a grip on reality on what you do know from experience versus what you see/hear in documentaries or movies smh. But do you know what it feels like to run or your life? To be so scared, in pain, in a forest and area you are unfamiliar with. I love seeing people with absolutely no idea the amount of fear and adrenaline this can bring. Coming from a survivor personally, this gave an adequate experience of what SOMEONE would do in this situation. This is just my hot take, thanks for listening to my TEDTalk. This movie was beter than expected, triggered my own traumas, and that's how i know they did a decent job, Not the MOST realistic, but again this is Hollywood and there's some things that will make you scratch your head and ask why.